Focus: My word of the year in 2022

I’ve kinda had my own word of a year previously, but never really followed through with it. For example, sitting as a draft was a post I titled “Simplify: My word of 2021” when I never even typed anything other than testing it out (I was having some issues updating). Also, 2021 was anything BUT simple for me, in a good way. But it was quite a whirlwind.

In previous years (I think in 2020), my word was “Grace”. I was trying to challenge myself to not be annoyed so easily with others, to be less judgmental and give others (and myself) grace as God does to us. And grace was just what we needed when the world turned upside down in 2020.

So why did I choose “focus” as my word for 2022?

I have a lot I want to accomplish, but my weakness is following through with everything I want to do. I get so overwhelmed that I freeze and end up doing nothing to achieve those goals. I also get distracted so easily, which holds me back. I feel like I might have ADHD the more I read about it, and the more the symptoms resonate with my life, so I may need to get an official diagnosis eventually.

I chose “focus” as a way to help me take a hard look at not just my goals, but my values. I want my life to reflect those values and desires. That also means the choices I make and the actions I do (or don’t do) can make or break those outcomes.

For example, I want to travel abroad somewhere later this year. It’s something Cecilio and I have been talking about. Every time I am tempted to buy something unnecessary, it means less money to be able to buy a plane ticket or hotel stay.

Another example is for Cecilio and I wanting to buy a house eventually. Or at least renting into a bigger apartment or a house first, because we are talking about family planning and I really would prefer to have bigger space for a child. I always mentally tell myself that every impulse buy or every missed payment keeps us further away from buying a house or getting accepted to a bigger apartment complex.

That also leads me to figuring out my “why”. I want to travel with Cecilio to create enriching experiences and memories, and to document it here (and share a few nuggets here and there). I want for us to buy a house so we’re not throwing money into the wind (rent be damned), and so we can have something we can call our own. I want a bigger space for our future child(ren) so we’re not all cramped, and I want to be more financially responsible to give them a better life.

I hope this all makes sense! While there is so much I would like to do and accomplish, I have to give myself grace when I have an off day or need to rest, but never lose sight of those goals and values.

I hope you all have a restful 2022!

P.S. I still have dreams for this blog and I think you’ll be seeing me post more. 2021 was just not the year, having only two posts. I also am thinking of rebranding again, since I’m not happy with the layout, design, and logo (also a chance for me to improve my design skills).

Hannah is a travel writer, graphic designer, and the founder/editor of Hannah on Horizon. She is based in Sacramento, California, living with her husband and two adorable dogs. She shares tips on how to experience luxury travel on any budget, and how to maximize time at each trip or destination, no matter what your budget or amount of vacation time at work. She enjoys making you feel like you have visited each destination with her through her storytelling and informative writing style.

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